Supporting Companies

Company Registration / VISA

Company Name Karitani Shiho-shoshi Lawyer Office
Address Temmabashi Yachiyo Bldg. 4F, 1-6-4 Tanimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 540-0012
Name of Chief Executive Karitani, Masako
Title of Chief Executive Representative, Shiho-Shoshi Lawyer (judicial scrivener) 
Business Outline We specialize in supporting foreign companies and individuals during their initial business setup in Japan, and providing subsequent and on-going legal support.

Taking advantage of language skills and experiences in foreign environment while studying in the US and working in Hong Kong, Karitani has been providing added value to her service extended to her clients.
Service for foreign company 1. Incorporation and Registration in Japan
2. Support on any legal matters after incorporation e.g. registration of director change with foreign nationals
3. Trading and registration of real estate in which foreign company is involved
4. Legal document translation (ex; articles of incorporation,
agreements, etc.)
Year of Establishment 2012
Number of Employees 1
Person in Charge  
Masako Karitani 
Department/Position Representative, Shiho-Shoshi Lawyer (judicial scrivener) 
TEL 06-6809-2391/ (from overseas) +81-6-6809-2391
Languages Japanese, English, Spanish