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Company Name Honyaku Center Inc.
Address OSAKA MIDOUSUJI Bldg. 13F, 4-1-3 Kyutaro-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0056
Name of Chief Executive Ninomiya, Shunichiro
Title of Chief Executive President
Business Outline We have been providing professional translation service in a wide range of domains including automotive, machinery, electronics, medical and pharmaceutical, patent, legal, accounting, government, education, R&D, etc.
We also offer a full-range of services for patent offices and corporations.
Service for foreign company Focusing on the professional fields of medical and pharmaceutical, patent, legal and finance, we have been providing value-added translation service, and other various language service to support global business development of our clients.
Year of Establishment 1986
Number of Employees 254
Person in Charge  
Yagisawa, Chao  
Department/Position Cooperate Business Sales Div.
TEL 81-6-6282-5020
FAX 81-6-6282-5025
Languages Japanese, English, Chinese